Teenage health and teenage problems

 Adolescence is a stage that moves from childhood to the threshold of youth. In this stage, teenagers like to live in fun, if any person stops to live in fun, then it is not at all like.

In most teenage boys, girls like to hang out with friends.
according to biology science
There are many biological changes in the body in the teenage age, there is also a change in the hormonal level.

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according to science 

             SEXUAL ORGAN
             |                      |                                                                        
            male                female
             |                      |
            testes(r.h)              ovary(r.h)     r.h-release hormone

πŸ’₯ Girls 'voices become thinner and softer than before, boys' voices become heavier.

πŸ’₯ In adolescence, there is more attraction towards the opposite sex, due to hormonal balancing, they also have little irritability.

πŸ’₯Pimples on the face also come at this age

πŸ’₯Secondary sexual character growing in boys and girls body
              boy                                                  girls
                πŸ‘‡                                                    πŸ‘‡
               beards                                             low pitch
                 πŸ‘‡                                                    πŸ‘‡
       pubic hair 
       axilla hair                                                breast size
       chest hair                                                 increase
                                                                       axilla hair
                πŸ‘‡                                                    πŸ‘‡
                 muscular                                           broadness
                  physique                                                    hip
Two hormones are mainly responsible for all these conditions.
  boys        testosterone
  girls        oestrogen
The first menstruation started at the teenage age of girls.
And the first ejaculation would make the boys' teenage years fixed.

Why should parents pay more attention during adolescence?

Because adolescence gives early education of maturity and takes this education till adulthood and continues till old age

In adolescence, teenagers feel that whatever we are doing is right but it's not like that every person who works or thinks that they are right is not so It is the difference of knowledge of life

Teasing a teenager should be understood as the difference between wrong touch and the right touch
By the way, most teenagers know these things but some teens are less smart, so it becomes necessary to understand them.

teenage age

By the way, Teenage starts from the age of 12 to 13 and is considered until the age of 18.
This age difference would also vary in different countries.

              girls        12 to 13 years of age
              boys        13 to 14 years of age 

What to eat in teens
healthy diet
  • protein - Food rich in protein should be taken daily because in daily work our body cell is damage.
  • carbohydrate - for daily routine work this carbohydrate act like an energy source.
  • vitamin - vitamin-rich fruits should be taken.
  • physical - exercise and the outdoor game is good for physical fitness.
  • creativity - For mental health, we should do creative work and enjoy our hobbies.
  • don't spend much more time with mobile or other gadgets early to bed early to rise for your mind and body both.
  • avoid fatty foods hang out with friends to do more socializing in life for a healthy mind.

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