how anxiety avoid


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1 Think positive, I know it's difficult but ur efforts are necessary.

2 Don't think past events (Don't think back).

3 Enjoy little things little events.

4 Notice which things annoying for ur daily thinking(interfere)
5 Move on 

Sometimes life should be childish, maturity is good, but living in the same form is sometimes a bit heavy for the mind.  
  There are also some emotional triggers that increase the anxiety and identify them and note them in one place because the Worries of different individuals are also different and they are not treated the same and treat them accordingly.
 If you are unable to fight this concern, then you should contact a good psychiatrist.
 Always remember one thing that what is there today is not necessary that even tomorrow, the mind will say that your life has become a burden, I have lost but You have to fool your mind, the mind quickly forgets the things that we take lightly or miss little.

If you do more than worry, it will bother you more, enjoy your hobs, bring them into your life.💁💁

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